Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Over the last several months this has become a space where I have been able to sit down on this journey, pour a cup of coffee and sort through the pieces of my heart. As well, it has caused me to remember the value and place of laughter in my life as much as my need to communicate. And, it has become a place of community and rest during a time when my soul has been most desperate for it. Welcome to my little corner of the world. Read on and offer your own thoughts if you like.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Recurring Thoughts...

This might be a little strange to throw out into the blog-abyss, but a common recurring thought for me is that the earth is dying. Usually this reflection is brought on by thinking about the many unexplainable and unexpected natural disasters that leave their marks various places upon our earth…volcanoes erupting, tsunamis eradicating, hurricanes conquering, tornadoes devastating. Sometimes these thoughts are stimulated by driving over bridges that once ushered you to the other side of impressive rivers or massive lakes which now merely showcase shriveled tributaries. And sometimes they’re brought on by extreme changes in weather – great warmth to biting cold – much like the severe wind and cold of the past two days in my little corner of the world.

I am always a little surprised when people react to these disasters or seemingly abnormal changes with shock or surprise. I mean, our earth really is dying. The fact that the earth is passing away before our eyes points out to me that 1) a restored creation was not meant for this kind of living space, and that 2) according to Matthew 24, Christ’s return is imminent.

Yesterday as I battled the cutting cold winds (and what are now becoming abnormal February conditions), I found myself in the “earth is dying” frame of mind. And I must confess that it left me sad. At first I didn’t understand why it had affected me so – I mean, the fact that Christ is making His way back soon and will usher His kids into eternity free of all these earthly impediments should cause great joy, right?

Yes. It should.

As I took a deeper look in, I realized something shocking behind the sadness…I didn’t want to celebrate Christ’s return before I had a chance to realize the picture that I have for my earthly life. You know, the one that includes romance, and marriage, and family, and the house in the suburbs…with all of it of course, packaged very neatly in the box of glorifying God and pleasing Him. Grand picture and nothing wrong with the desire of it…but it caught me off guard to think that deep within there’s this drive that would say to Jesus, “please don’t come back before I get to do this or that,” you know?

Even now I’m still not sure what to do with my heart here except to own it and offer it back to Him...


Whew-- very real stuff! wish tons of believers could read it and get a clue about what is lasting in life and where our motives are, or should be, etc. thanks for openness! hugs...

By Blogger martha, at February 13, 2006 9:05 AM  

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