Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Over the last several months this has become a space where I have been able to sit down on this journey, pour a cup of coffee and sort through the pieces of my heart. As well, it has caused me to remember the value and place of laughter in my life as much as my need to communicate. And, it has become a place of community and rest during a time when my soul has been most desperate for it. Welcome to my little corner of the world. Read on and offer your own thoughts if you like.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The blessing of lingering...

Just finished reading some of the comments (and emails) made during our coffee conversation. Wow. That kind of conversation deeply blesses me! After a bummer last day (nothing huge, just one of those days) the Lord knew that I needed to get my mind on some eternal things today.

One of my most cherished things to do is have people over, put on the coffee, dish out something a little sweet, and linger over good conversation – talking about the way our hearts are processing the Lord and where He currently finds us in our own unique journeys; sharing fresh insights we are learning about Him; celebrating life together in Christ. In reading your comments, I feel as if you all have stepped into my living room and found a space on a couch and lingered...

So, thanks for lingering in my little corner.