Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Over the last several months this has become a space where I have been able to sit down on this journey, pour a cup of coffee and sort through the pieces of my heart. As well, it has caused me to remember the value and place of laughter in my life as much as my need to communicate. And, it has become a place of community and rest during a time when my soul has been most desperate for it. Welcome to my little corner of the world. Read on and offer your own thoughts if you like.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Some Questions for the Blog Perusing Telemarketer…

My phone has rung 15 times today beginning at 9am. Yesterday it started at 8am. Not one of them has been someone who knows that I don’t really care to have Dish network installed; that I don’t want, need, or care about debt consolidation; or that I have caller ID and if someone dangled me over the edge of a cliff, I wouldn’t answer their call.

So, my dear Telemarker nemesis, on the off chance that you’re bored there sitting in your little booth today because someone like me refuses to pick up the phone and you happen to come across this blog, can I give you a few questions/thoughts to maybe guide you in some sort of life altering career change…

1. Is this really your dream career? Are you just currently stuck in some sort of holding pattern?
2. If it’s a temporary gig until you get discovered …were there really no other jobs available?
3. Do you enjoy constant rejection?
4. On the chance that someone actually picks up the receiver and listens to your spiel, does it occur to you that maybe “I’m not interested” really means that “I’m not interested” and that it’s okay to end the conversation?
5. When you’re at home, do you like it when other telemarketers call you?
6. Don’t you think that if I really wanted what you’re selling that I’d be calling and bugging you?

Okay, I’ve really got to go to bed earlier tonight.


Blythe, I have been invited to your link through our common friend, Jill. What a delightful blog! You are an engaging writer. I will continue to peek in from time to time to hear of the adventures in this corner.

By Blogger alethea, at January 13, 2006 8:52 PM  

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