Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Over the last several months this has become a space where I have been able to sit down on this journey, pour a cup of coffee and sort through the pieces of my heart. As well, it has caused me to remember the value and place of laughter in my life as much as my need to communicate. And, it has become a place of community and rest during a time when my soul has been most desperate for it. Welcome to my little corner of the world. Read on and offer your own thoughts if you like.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Crokinole: A Curling Commentary Followup

Thanks to a comment from a new blogging friend in Canada, I was given some insight into the probable evolution of curling. I have been informed that curling has many similarities to crokinole, a game that has its origins in Canada. Curious, I did a little research and thought I’d educate us all in the spirit of becoming a more well-rounded blogging community…

Apparently, crokinole involves a wood octagon shaped board where you try to 'shoot' your discs into the center hole or knock your opponents discs off the board. You earn points depending on how close to center the disc is. Only one team can have points at any given time. Says Eaglewing, “It's a fun game when you have a few people gathered around. Shooting the discs with your fingers is probably the hardest part, though using sticks is preferred by some. There's some strategy, but accuracy is more important. Everybody develops their own technique.”

Ah yes, this seems very close to what unfolded before me yesterday morning…only on ice. Further thought on the subject has also reminded me that the game of marbles of days gone by or shuffleboard have their own similarities to curling as well.

Other crokinole facts of note…
  1. While not a Mennonite or Amish originated game, “crokinole has been very popular among many Mennonite and Amish sects throughout Canada and the United States by reason of the fact that the game was viewed as a rather innocuous pastime – unlike the perception that diversions such as card playing or dancing were 'works of the Devil' as held by many 19th century Protestant groups.” Certainly good to know as I’m stuck here in the Bible belt.
  2. Crokinole is one of the few games that can have a high finger injury rate. This is due to the improper use of the finger. If you are experiencing finger pain, here’s a little tip: “the secret of an accurate, pain-free shot is to move your finger up as close to the disc as possible. Don't hit it. Push it!!! Get that finger up really close. Take aim and shoot. Pain will not be a factor, even-as some believe-if you hit the post with your disc. Get your fingernail right on the disc. You will have more accurate shots and no pain.” Uh, I'm going to take the classy route here and refrain from comment.
  3. If you’re looking for a new game that uses special lubricants, waxes, or powder substances, crokinole might be the game for you. Supposedly, there is an on-going debate amongst crokinolists as what really is acceptable here. Most crokinole purists, however, condemn the use of such products. Although a crokinole virgin, I must concur. In any pursuit I would always embrace the purity. It’s why my coffee is always black! (If I’m drinking coffee that has been enhanced with anything, it’s a reflection of the coffee, not the experience. Yes, “My name is Blythe and I am a coffee snob.”)
An Olympic Appeal
All this research and thinking has brought me to some definite conclusions. Based on current research, I have officially decided curling is not an Olympic sport. However, I’m not one to fight battles just to fight battles. “Curling: Sport or No” is not a hill on which to die, wouldn’t you agree?

So, realizing that no one cares what I think about what is sport-worthy or not, I suggest we make some appeals to the Olympic committee for adding some other events that are lacking in “sport.” I think it would lessen the glaring embarrassment for curling, don’t you? What if we suggested adding marbles, or underwater basketing weaving, or billards, or poker (does anyone else think the shocking amount of poker tournaments on tv is ridiculous?), or tv surfing…


I laughed out loud!! You certainly brought the funny! I agree that the curling hill is not one on which you should die. Can I add a sport? Trivia! I definitely think that trivia could be a "sport." We could put a team together! Go for the gold...

By Blogger Jill Pole, at February 19, 2006 1:37 PM  

Haha, great post...funny as all get out too. And I'm always happy to spread the crokinole love :)

Funny you'd mention the debate on board lubricants. I've played games on freshly waxed boards and the difficulty level goes up exponentially. The game went really fast though...

Do people really basket weave under water?! I'd nominate that for a summer Olympic sport as long as air tanks are not allowed...

I'm in total agreement on the poker thing. It's ridiculous the amount of TV coverage poker gets. The celebrity games are fun sometimes though. Watched a game that included Wanda Sykes, Rosario Dawson, and Travis Tritt and it was hilarious.

By the way, I could give a serious run for the gold if TV channel surfing was a sport :)

By Blogger Eaglewing, at February 19, 2006 2:39 PM  

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