Netflix Nuances: A Rant
PO Box Yada Yada Yada
Thinking there was some sort of mistake, I pulled out the other Netflix return envelopes that I’ve collected. Each one of them addressed to the City just north of me, a mere 20 MILES AWAY.
Okay, so maybe you’re thinking it’s some sort of weird mistake. Lest you wonder at my sanity, I will let you in on a few nefarious Netflix dealings arousing said suspicions…
Recently my Netflix queue has been feeding my latest Smallville fetish. It’s a no-brainer that my queue is set up to receive the subsequent disc in the series in the order to be watched. Netflix emails you when they receive discs back and then send another email telling you the next disc to be sent and when it is arriving.
On Monday of this past week, my most recent communication from Netflix looked like this:
We’ve received Smallville: Season 4: Disc 3
For Wednesday, Smallville: Season 4: Disc 5
For Friday, Smallville: Season 4: Disc 4
Hmm. Shouldn’t Disc 4 come before Disc 5??? It’s in my queue that way. Sure enough, on Wednesday I received Smallville: Season 4: Disc 5. And on Saturday (yes folks, not Friday), I received Disc 4.
So, after finally getting to watch Disc 4 and 5, I start to send them back and realize they’ve given me an envelope sending discs to a shipping facility over a thousand miles away.
Mere coincidence?
I think not.
All I have to say to Netflix is:
Don’t underestimate the power of the blog and one fiesty blonde, my friends.
I am not surprised. The geographic background of my students at the beginning of the semester is often mind-boggling. Hopefully, when they step into those future positions at Netflix they will know better.
The Bearded, at
May 01, 2006 5:28 PM
Ahhhh, those turkeys at Netflix. Bless their pointed little heads. I've had Disks 1 & 2 of "The Sentinel" coming for several days. Get here already! :-)
(I know, "The Sentinel" is a weird choice. What can I say? I'm a sucker for nerdy anthropologists/archeologists... "Stargate's" Daniel Jackson and Blair Sandberg from "The Sentinel"...There is just something about smart guys.)
Jill Pole, at
May 02, 2006 12:04 AM
Ah yes, Netflix. There are rants all over the Web about how they are slipping down the icy slope of bad customer service. Lucky for me, I have a Blockbuster outside my front door, so I don't have to do the envelope shuffle...
And Jill - nothing wrong with The Sentinel for a viewing choice. That was a half decent show from what I recall of the episodes I caught on it's original go round. It'd be cool to have enhanced senses like that, but I don't want to spend that long alone in a jungle :)
Eaglewing, at
May 02, 2006 1:42 AM
It's not that I can't go to Blockbuster or Hastings or Hollywood Video...I just like the idea of being able to watch my movies and tv shows for less than I'd pay at one of my local places. Of course, for this to work, Netflix needs to cooperate and send things in a timely fashion. Plus the fact that when you're addicted to some new show you want to get them as soon as possible!
Of course, this partly reflects my impatience as much as they're trying to control how frequent discs get sent out. I just didn't realize they'd send you envelopes that send your discs to the nearest shipping facility in China in order to do it...
Blythe Lane, at
May 02, 2006 4:11 PM
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